Cover-up for secret English naval operations

Making use of the widely known folk tales of the “Vikings”, the English navy was engaging in secret operations that they didn’t want other countries to know about, so they re-used the idea of the Vikings as a cover story.

Naming sagas as “samtímasögur”, not likely

Your name for sagas that describe the time in which they were written in “same-time sagas” (samtímasögur)? Really? I’m pretty sure some 19th century English schoolboy made that up while bored from reading Beowulf.

Denmark is not real

While many documents claim otherwise, the reality is Denmark is not a real place. The belief that a country attached to Germany in the North Sea is just a myth brought up by sailors of the time that didn’t yet have satellite maps. The legends of “Denmark” are still kept alive today by the same …

The Vikings were a myth created by Christian leaders to demonize paganism

The English Christian leaders used stories of so-called ‘Vikings’ demonize paganism and strengthen their own religious authority. This was most commonly used to cover up demon conjuring by bored and lonely monks looking for companionship. A backfiring summoning that would destroy part of a monastery would easily be covered by claiming “Viking raiders”. Also, by …

The Vikings were invented by the English monarchy to control the population

The English monarchy invented the idea of the Vikings as a way to create a sense of fear and uncertainty among the population, making it easier to maintain control. In fragments of records found it was shown that by the early 11th century that some Saxons claimed that they were really of Viking descent. This …